One of the first Haxtons to arrive in the US was John Haxton, during the great immigration wave of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Haxtons are members of the Keith Clan, and John was a drayman - or cart driver.
John Haxton supported his family while living in Blair Gollary, near Dundee. When a small inheritance came through, he made plans to go to America. John brought with him only one other member of his large family - his son Thomas. They landed in Boston, and moved south to Providence.
Thomas Haxton was 16 at the time and he went to work for a jewelry company. His knack for business quickly got him noticed and soon he was in charge of a large number of employees. Based in the Olneyville area, most of the workers were Italian - and Tom kept good relations with them. He met Florence McGuiness and they were married. Tom decided to set out on his own, and open his own business. At the time, prohibition was just being lifted. Tom Haxton took advantage of the situation and opened the first Haxton's Liquor store in Olneyville, were the people he had helped get work were loyal to him.

Thomas "Papa" Haxton
First store in Olneyville 1934 - right after prohibition. |
The store was a success, and several of Tom's own children followed him into the business. The Tollgate store was the first "Liquor Super Store" in Rhode Island and one of the first in the country. It remains to this day on Bald Hill Road, Route 2 in Warwick. Haxton's Liquors started out a family business, and is still a family business.

Haxton's Tollgate Liquors1964.
And just as Thomas Haxton's first customers remained loyal to him, so have the 2nd and 3rd generations of Haxton's customers remained loyal to the store, making it the most popular liquor store in Rhode Island. From all the Haxtons to all of our customers, we want to say

Thank You!
We hope to serve you during the 21st Century with the same spirit you have come to expect and deserve.